Equal Pay Day
A marker of Progress towards income equality
This year's Theme is "It Doesn't Add Up"
Equal Pay Day - Monday 19 August
The Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is the difference between women’s and men’s average weekly full-time equivalent earnings, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.
The national gender pay gap is calculated annually by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) using the Australian Bureau of Statistics' labour force data.
In 2023 the national gender pay gap was 13.3.%. For women in Australia, the gender pay gap matters. The dollars and cents represent the value placed on their skills, labour and time. It represents missing money that could be spent to meet everyday costs of living.
The gender pay gap costs the Australian economy over $50bn every year.
This pay gap shows a greater disparity between men and women.Every industry in Australia has a full time pay gap favouring full-time working men, even female dominated industries such as health care and social assistance. Equal Pay Day will be on 19th August, marking the 50 additional days from the end of the previous financial year that women must work to earn the same pay as men. In 2023 the number of additional days was 56.
Research proves that regular audits close the pay gaps faster. Main factors contributing to the gender pay gap are:
discrimination and bias in hiring and pay decisions
women and men working in different industries and different jobs, with female-dominated industries attracting lower wages
women's disproportionate share of unpaid caring and domestic work
lack of workforce flexibility to accommodate caring and other responsibilities, especially in senior roles
women's greater time out of the workforce impacting career progression and opportunities
2023 - 2024 Key Facts
In 2023 the national gender pay gap was 13.3%
Based on February 2024 ABS data, on average women working full-time earned $1,744.80 while men working full-time earned $1,982.80
Full-time average weekly earnings difference between women and men is $238.
What is the difference between the gender pay gap and equal pay?
The national gender pay gap measures the difference between the average weekly full-time base salary earnings of women and men, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings. It is a measure of women’s overall position in the paid workforce and does not compare like roles.
Equal pay is the concept of women and men being paid the same for performing the same role or different work of equal or comparable value. In Australia, this has been a legal requirement since 1969.
The gender pay gap is different to equal pay.
It measures the difference between the average earnings of women and men in the workforce. It is not the difference between two people being paid differently for the same or similar job, which is unlawful.
When we talk about the gender pay gap, we are talking about the difference between what men and women are paid, on average, across organisations, industries, and the workforce as a whole.
Pledge to do one thing that will make your workplace more equitable before Equal Pay Day 2024.
Get involved with social media campaign, make sure you use the hashtags...
Want some ideas?
Here are some from Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)
Use the social media tiles prepared by WGEA, shared in zipped folder here
Use the Gender pay gap calculator
Report the results of your pay gap analysis to your executive and board.
Read the Guide to Gender Pay Equity here
Offer more support for carers, such as increasing paid parental leave, providing breastfeeding facilities or creating an internal support network for parents.